
Rock Paper Scissor Discord

Create a New Game

Users can initiate a new Rock-Paper-Scissors game with the following parameters:

/rps new <player(s)> <amount> <token> <rounds>

For example:

/rps new @alice @bob 5 icy 3
/rps new 4 5 icy 3

The game will wait for all players to accept the bet

πŸŽ‰ New Rock-Paper-Scissors Game! πŸŽ‰
Host: @host_username
Type: `/rps new @player1 @player2 5 icy 3` to start the game!
πŸ‘€ Players: Waiting for confirmation...
πŸ’° Bet Amount: 5 icy
πŸ” Rounds: 3
πŸŽ‰ New Rock-Paper-Scissors Game! πŸŽ‰
When you're ready, just hit the "Start" button.
Otherwise, we'll wait until there are enough players ready to join.

Start the Game

Once all players accept the bet and the host starts the game, the bot will automatically run through the specified number of rounds (defaults to 3 if not specified).

Game Mechanics

After each round, the bot will automatically calculate points for each pair of players. The point for each user is the sum of point when the user won in the pairs, point when the user lost, point when the user tie:

Rock Paper Scissor Rule

Stimulated Example:

Players: A, B, C

Number of rounds: 3

Bet amount: 10 icy each, total pool: 30 icy

Round 1:

Points after Round 1:

A: 0

B: 2

C: 2
(A lost B and C, C tied with B and won A, B tied with C and won A)

Round 2:

Points after Round 2:

Round 3:

Points after Round 3:

End Game and Distribution

After all rounds, the bot will summarize the points and distribute the winnings among players, proportional to their point totals.

For example:

Total icy deposited: 30 icy

Bot fee: 2% (0.6 icy)

Amount for distribution: 29.4 icy

Distribution based on points:

Total points: 10 points

5/ Interface

  1. Start the game

    *Note: The host is also the 1st player

    This UI inclues a button: β€œJoin”

πŸš€ Rock-Paper-Scissor! πŸš€

πŸ‘€ Players: @player1, @player2

πŸ’° Bet Amount: 5 icy each

πŸ” Rounds: 3

Get ready for Round 1! πŸ₯Š
  1. Notifications for users to join the games
Join the Rock-Paper-Scissor!

@username has invited you to join the games with:

πŸ‘€ Current Players: @player1, @player2
πŸ’° Bet Amount: 5 icy each
πŸ” Rounds: 3

Press Accept to join!

Button: Accept, Reject

3.Notification to choose the Rock-Paper-Scissor
3 button to choose

Pick Rock-Paper-Scissor!
πŸͺ¨ Rock
πŸ“„ Paper
βœ‚οΈ Scissor
  1. Result for each rounds
    After all users picked, send the summary into the thread where the game start.
πŸ›ŽοΈ End of Round 1! πŸ›ŽοΈ

- @player1 chose ROCK πŸͺ¨
- @player2 chose PAPER πŸ“„
- @player3 chose PAPER πŸ“„

πŸ“Š Points after Round 1:

- @player1: 0 points 🍩
- @player2: 3 points 🌟
- @player3: 3 points 🌟

Ready for Round 2? πŸ”₯
  1. Game end
    After all rounds, send the summary into the thread where the game start
🎊 Game Over! 🎊
πŸ“Š Final Points:

- @player1: 3 points 🌟
- @player2: 3 points 🌟
- @player3: 4 points 🌟🌟

πŸ’° Winnings Distribution πŸ’°:

- @player1: 8.82 icy πŸŽ‰
- @player2: 8.82 icy πŸŽ‰
- @player3: 11.76 icy πŸ₯³

Thank you for playing! πŸ™Œ
  1. Users receive the result through DM
πŸŽ‰ Congratulations!
You've won <winning_amount> <token>! πŸ₯³